It introduces an "open world" on the PS2 where you solve simple puzzles, do some basic combat, and platform to explore every inch of it and find the three types of collectibles. Jak and Daxter is a collect-athon at its purest. This is a game that will always be close to my heart and the protagonist is one I grew up with over the course of the trilogy, I envy anyone who gets to play this for the first time, I wish I could go back and experience this again.

Finally overcoming the game and beating the final boss is one of the best things but that pales in comparison to when you finally get all 100 power cells and unlock the bonus ending which leads perfectly into a sequel. The characters you meet are all unique and fun, there is a feeling of there being something bigger than you especially when you speak with the oracles. The controls are mostly fine although it would be nice if you could look up and down normally without the need to zoom in while standing still. Replaying the game all these years later and it hasn't lost its charm, the art style also means that the game hasn't aged graphically it still passes in the looks department. What a game! This was the first Playstation 2 game I ever owned, at the age of 7 I was drawn to the young fun protagonist and his Ottsel companion and the freedom to explore the huge world at my own pace and the feeling of achievement every time the game would cut to Jak & Daxter celebrating the collection of another power cell.