
Paper overlay
Paper overlay

paper overlay

Step 8: You can use “Texturizer” to create a rougher paper look. Use the same settings as before for the palette knife effect. Remember to first create a new layer, and then use a darker set of foreground (20/16/35/0) and background (28/28/51/0) colors for the clouds effect. Step 7: We will now redo most of the above steps. Step 6: Now in your layers palette, change the option in the drop down box to “Multiply” and the opacity to 50%. Be sure to select “Uniform” and “Monochromatic” as well. Step 5: Paper is usually not completely smooth, so go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise and set the amount to 10%. Step 4: Now open Filter > Artistic > Palette Knife and change the stroke size to 40, the stroke detail to 3, and the softness to 0. Unlike most filters, this will not have a dialog box for options, as it just uses the foreground and background colors automatically. This will add a nice light texture to your paper. Step 3: Select the new layer if it is not automatically selected. (I used C6 M12 Y32 K0 for the foreground and C23 M25 Y48 K0 for the background.)

paper overlay

You can change the background color by clicking the second square in the toolbar. Change the foreground and background colors to a slightly lighter and darker hue of your original color.

paper overlay

Step 2: Now create a new layer above this background layer. Now fill the background layer by using the paint bucket tool or by going to Edit > Fill. (I chose the CMYK color: C14, M18, Y41, K0). Once the dialog box opens, pick a light tan color and click OK. Choose a foreground color by clicking the top square in the Color Picker tool at the bottom of the left-hand toolbar. Usually a light tan or beige color is best since you can easily tweak this color later if desired. Step 1: The first step is to fill the background with a color for your texture. Because of this, keep the color mode in RGB for now, and the final step will convert the color to CMYK for use in print. Normally, CMYK color would be suggested for print, but not all Photoshop filters work in CMYK mode. The resolution should be set for 300 pixels/inch for print. This size includes the bleed for a basic, 8.5x11 pamphlet. Make sure the width and height are set to be inches, and input “11.25” for the width and “8.75” for the height. Let’s assume we are creating this paper texture to be the background of a pamphlet project. Go to File > New to open the new document dialog box. Let’s start by creating a new document in Photoshop. In this tutorial, we are going to make a realistic paper texture from scratch in Adobe Photoshop.

Paper overlay